Saturday, October 8, 2011

Mom & Dad's Pyrex Find for Little Old Me

Last month, my mom emailed me to tell me that she picked me up a Pyrex chip and dip set that was in mint condition. They paid next to nothing for it. Well... here it is!
Balloons! Thank you, thank you thank you! I've got the best parents in the world (and I'd say that even if they didn't hunt for Pyrex).
Maybe I should start using it this weekend. Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Canadians. We've got a lot to be thankful for.



  1. It is gorgeous! What a great Mom and Dad to find you such a treasure!

  2. How awesome is that? I'd love to have that piece. Someday...

    I intend to use my Pyrex tomorrow for Thanksgiving dinner. I'm probably going to be the only one at the table who appreciates it, but hey, since I'm hosting, I do what I want and what makes me happy, lol!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours Erin!

  3. What a great piece (I've never seen one)! Enjoy your weekend- yes, you should use your new pyrex set!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving!

    We're using our Woodland this year!

  5. How sweet! My mom is always on the Pyrex hunt for me too :)

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. Wow, they must really, really love you if they are not keeping that for themselves!

  7. Great gift!! I found this set earlier this summer at a garage sale and had never seen it before that!
