We biked up to the G-Dub on Overlea for the big sale today. I would have been happy with one cool piece of Tupperware. When I got there, I didn't see anyone who looked like a vintage lover - just people carrying armloads of clothes, acoustic guitars, and small appliances.

I spied these fine little Atomic Age teacups. There were no saucers in sight, but I took the cups anyway. Each cup seemed to have a different price. The cashier pointed out that they were made in England (Sham Wow guy would say: "They're made in England, so you know they're good.") and sold them to me for half off $1.99 (each). I was happy. On the bottom, it seems to say Safari Motts England.

This isn't vintage, but I can't get enough pottery for my plants on the front porch. It's amazing how much pottery costs in gift shops and how much of it you find in yard sales and thrift stores.

Vonlipi wrote a very funny post about finding Pyrex at a thrift store. I know the feeling. You see that perfect Pyrex casserole dish with lid and all of a sudden it's as if you're running in slow motion with the Bionic Woman sound effects playing in your mind. Your voice becomes electronically altered to be five octaves lower and super slow. "Nooooooooooooo. It's mine. Back off!" Luckily I didn't have to pig wrestle anyone for it. The big bowl was half off $3.99 and the small bowl was half off $2.99. Was I lucky or what? This makes all those recent Saturday rain-outs worthwhile.

This mug isn't vintage, but I couldn't resist it for half off 99 cents. It's made in Ireland and has a picture of a couple of men fishing with a castle in the background. I'd love to be in that situation one day.

Back of my mystical Irish mug. I like the Celtic sword emblem.

That Seventies Mug Pt. 2. For 50 cents I had to have this somewhat gaudy floral pattern mug.

I'm happy that my son is inadvertently developing an eye for vintage. He scooped up this old wooden balance scale. I was so excited. He asked if I could buy it and I'm all like, "Yes, yes, yes. It's so cool - whatever you want." I was charged half off $2.99, but when we got home, I noticed it was originally priced at $4.99. "Start the car!"

Before we hit the toy section, he begged me to buy this white ski jacket. I almost gave in when I realized it's the same one that Bjork wore in the Joga video. It was too huge on him, so I let him stroll around the aisles in it.

Bad mother: I found this ridiculous green sailer man mug that's in the shape of a pipe. I told Duncan to pretend to smoke it. Of course, he sticks it straight in his mouth. The damage was done, so I took some snaps.

I also bought a ton of books for my classroom and for Duncan, Toy Story 2 on VHS, a toy and a Sponge Bob brief case for His Nibs, and a very cool shiny black jacket for myself. I spent $33.87. I'd say it was a pretty good haul in all.