Sorry for the extended absence. I've been missing my thrifty vintage blogging life, but work has been far more overwhelming for some reason this year than in the past. I'm also tutoring three days a week after school, which is leaving me with less leisure time. Nevertheless, I plan to continue scouring Southern Ontario for treasures to share.
While visiting my folks in St. Catharines yesterday, I nipped into Goodwill, where I found this "old timey" salt/pepper/mustard set. It was in such good condition that I was left wondering if it was a reproduction. I'm still happy with it even if it is. The set cost $6.00. I also bought a bag 'o random Christmas ornaments for $3.00. These are what caught my eye. Plastic Made in Hong Kong choir boys singing outside a church. I loved that they were still in the packaging and had the Kmart price stickers on them. There were two loose ones in the bag too. I love the cack-handed paint job on the mouths. I also got these shiny tassel things.
I'm a slightly off-beat Toronto-area teacher who enjoys writing and photography. I come from a family of collectors and now I'm dragging my own family around to yard sales. It's just a bit of fun. Enjoy the scenes.
Hey cats!
My husband and I stock a booth rammed to the rafters with vintage treasures at Valley Antiques in charming Dundas, Ontario. It's a few kilometers west of Hamilton. Come visit this best kept secret in Southern Ontario and swing by Valley Antiques. There are over 50 vendors selling cool and beautiful things and you won't be paying Toronto prices (speaking as a former Hogtown gal).
Click here to see some of our current inventory.
Visit Valley Antiques funny Facebook page