Saturday, June 19, 2010

A Few Finds and Goodwill Vultures

We missed the opportunity to go yard saling this morning because Duncan had a birthday party. The good thing was that the party was held at a play place near the Thorncliffe Goodwill. So when it was over, we had a peep inside.

I bought a few things you'll see below, but while we were there it dawned on me that every time we go in, there's a group of hardcore thrift nuts who stand at the doorway that leads to the area the staff work in. They're waiting for the staff to wheel out another rack of recently priced goods.

I'm sorry, but as I recently told a group of boys in my class who enjoy flicking ears of classmates: This is weird behavior! I've seen one of these vultures at Goodwill before standing in the same place. I'm as eager as the next thrifter to get my hands on something special, but please, this has gone too far. I've worked in retail before and I know how irritating it is for staff to deal with people waiting for a shipment of perennials to be unloaded off a truck. You haven't even had a chance to get the product onto a table and people are almost knocking you over to grab the perfect geranium. I've also worked in a bakery and had to deal with vulture shoppers circling the bakery at the end of the day waiting for staff to reduce the bread. People - get a life and leave those poor Goodwill workers alone! There. I feel better now.

Here's what I bought today.
Dinosaur TV dinner tray from the late eighties. It was priced at $3.99 but the cashier gave it to me for $2.99.

Stool for next year's classroom. It only cost $4.99.

Wood and wicker magazine holder which I will use in my classroom next year to hold big books. Cost: $3.99.
Pale blue German pottery. This bowl cost $1.99. I'll put a plant in it.


  1. I like you finds, especially the bowl!! Do you drill holes in the bottom for drainage? Just curious. I hate when they hang at the door like that in GW. Ours makes announcements about waiting of things to get on the shelf...but people don't! Oh well.

  2. Hi Linda,
    Thanks for your comments, including your awesome remarks about this season's SYTYCD. I'm scared to drill holes in pottery, so I guess I'll just have to put a potted plant in it and enjoy it that way.
    Thanks again!

  3. I would love for you to come join in my Garage salen starts every Friday and runs til Monday would love it!!~ Looks as though you scored some cool stuff.

  4. Thanks for standing up for the workers! While we're on it, what's with ruining the price sticker to see underneath thus making it so nobody else can buy it? I think we need a Thrifting Etiquette class.
