Sunday, June 20, 2010

Solid Cherry's Priceless Treasure & Welcome Deebiedoos

One of my favourite thrift blogs is Madge's Solid Cherry. She loves the same things I do and she always rounds up the cost of what she bought to the nearest dollar and uses the price for her title e.g. $4. This time her title is Priceless. If you haven't had a chance to see why, go have a peep It will put a smile on your face.

I'd also like to welcome my newest follower Debbiedoos. I've checked out her blog and it looks swell: lot's of thrifted goods and crafty things for the home. Check it out

My husband and I celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary last night. Yes, I was in fact 21 when I got married and yes, we waited 13 years before we decided to have a child - hence the 4 1/2 child with parents who have been married forever.

Happy Father's Day Ken. Love you!


  1. Erin that is so very sweet of you. Happy Fathers day to you hubs Ken...kick back and enjoy the day!!~ I look forward to your finds in the future...I just love to see what we all score across America!!~:) Debbie

  2. Erin what a nice post. I am a big fan of Debbiedoos and I will check out Solid Cherry! Nothing wrong with a good solid marriage before little one's come along. Happy Father's Day to your Hubs!! Enjoy your day! Oh and Happy Anniversary! Busy weekend for you!!

  3. Thanks so much, ladies. This blogging thing brings our lives together in the best way possible. I wish we lived within a couple of hours from each other so we could meet up for a potluck every month or so. Of course there would be a lot of casseroles served in lovely Pyrex LOL.
