Thursday, July 22, 2010

A "Brief" Encounter at Goodwill

I've been so bogged down in my course work this week that I haven't done any laundry. My husband usually does it, but I guess he didn't get around to it either. I thought I was down to my last clean pair of undies, only to discover that Ken's briefs had somehow made it to my sock and undies drawer. I did what any woman on the run would do, I put on his man knickers, pulled up my pants and took off out the door.
Powered by my man knickers (they're very comfortable by the way - not that I'm weird about it), I biked up to Goodwill when my course was over. They're having a 50% off sale tomorrow, but I thought I might score some good things at full price and beat the crowd. I did.
Look, another "Made in England" JAJ Pyrex dish for $1.99.

Sorry for the fuzzy pics, it didn't photograph well.
Before there was Twitter... This Made in Japan bird was $1.99.
I couldn't get over how beautiful these Made in England teacups were. They remind me of the designs of Charles Rennie MacIntosh.
The mauve saucer and the yellow cup have a little bit of wear, but I still loved them for $3.99 each.

I liked this Made in England deep saucer/shallow bowl for $1.99.
I was equally charmed and puzzled by these Scotch glasses. I think they're new in a retro old "school" style. They're a bit like Mad Men meets Leave it to Beaver. "Mom, I had a hard day at school." "Oh Beaver, it's alright. Have a Scotch."
They cost .79 each. That's good classroom Scotch glass value for money.
That's all. I guess if you can take away anything from this post it's this: never underestimate the good luck man knickers can bring you when thrifting.


  1. I am laughing so hard I am about to wet my girl knickers! So funny...hey we do what we have to do!! Love the Pyrex do have the best luck. The bird is cute but the teacups are divine. I can see why they came home with you! Now was some clothes girl!!

  2. Linda, you're so awesome. I'm sure you've done some similarly crazy things in the past.
    Glad you understand.
    Good luck thrifting this weekend.

  3. Hilarious! Assuming they aren't tighty whities, I bet they were wedgie-free skivvies to boot! My hub once wore a pair of my jeans to work. And my brother wore a pair of my undies in high school. Neither meant to though...and both got razzed mercilessly.

    LOVE your finds!!

  4. Ha! My husband is English, so first off, he'd die of shame knowing that I even shared this story. Secondly, I can just hear him saying (in that snooty West London accent he can turn on and off like a tap), "I don't wear 'tighty whities' nor shall I ever!" Now kindly refrain from "blogging" about my underpants.
    Still, I love him. On our first date, he ate a hamburger (in a bun) with a knife and fork. I'd never seen anyone ever do that before, so I knew I'd met a special guy.

  5. I'm laughing so hard, I might pee in MY undies.

  6. Nice scores Erin, I agree with the concept of shopping the day before a big sale say, at Value Village, for no competition plus good finds. Thrift Shoppers tend to go for the deals I guess, Haha.

  7. Blimey, maybe this is the way forward, wearing man knickers when thrifting... I'm off to a jumble sale tomorrow, I'll let you know... Where in snooty west London does your hub come from? I'm originally from south west London (Fulham - immensely snooty I might add, although not when I was little).

  8. Hello everyone, thanks as always for the comments. It's like one big tea party.
    Jumbles, I clarified my husband's West end-ness and I made a slight mistake. He was raised as a child in North West London - Harrow, but his family moved around. They weren't rich, but I guess he was around assorted "toffs" at school (and watched enough TV and films) to have a repertoire of assorted English accents - including the upper class twit, which is universal. He's in his early fifties and spent much of his youth going to the Roundhouse, following Hawkwind and Motorhead, amongst others. He actually saw Roxy Music and T-Rex, I believe on a double bill. I'll check that too. I should photograph his concert tickets for this blog some time. As an adult, he spent much of his time living in Watford and then bought a house in a little town called Ting before moving to Canada. His background is Scottish (MacInnes) with both parents coming from Glasgow. Ken considers himself a transplanted Englishman with Scottish roots.
    So nice to hear from you.

  9. wow what great finds!
    I also like the photo in your header, and the fact that you shared info on your undies :-) lol

  10. Hello there, Marina. Glad my full underwear disclosure wasn't in vain. Sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself. I do it all the time.

  11. I started laughing at your "man knickers" and continued right on through "Oh Beaver, it's all right, have a Scotch." I really love that yellow teacup & saucer...and the little bird...oh, the Pyrex--and everything else too!

  12. Those teacups are GORGEOUS, wow.

    And I've had to wear emergency men's briefs in my life - they are seriously comfortable!!
