Friday, July 23, 2010

Your Friday Funny

I rarely read the Sports section of the newspaper, but I've been following the Tour de France. Here's what I found in today's paper! I had no idea that Borat's man hammock was still such a hot look in Europe. I love how the headline works with the photo "in the bag" wink, wink.
I missed this moment on TV, but the clipping will go on our fridge and provide countless morning chuckles for months to come.
P.S. I'm busted on the financial front due to a perfect storm of bills that all came at once, including our massive property tax bill (Thanks Mayor Miller). In order to have thrifting money, I'm considering having a boring yard sale of my own, selling boring baby stuff. I can't part with all my cool bits and pieces.
I'll keep you posted on what I do.


  1. Love that newspaper clipping. So funny. Oh good luck with a yard sale. Get some thrifting money! I know the feeling!

  2. From where I'm sitting, the man hammock looks a lot like a gazelle head. :)
    May you have lots of deep pocketed buyers at your garage sale. Now it's YOUR turn to work your butt crack! Glad to pass the torch!

  3. LOL,LOL,LOL some more! That is so ugly! Imagine Pter Griffin wearing that! They probably made an episode with that in it...That is the kind of image that will be burned on my retina for a LONG time!

  4. great blog post hahahaha

  5. Glad everyone got a chuckle out of it. If I can raise the morale of my thrifty friends with crude photos, well, I guess I've done my job.
    Vonlipi, sorry about your retinas.
    Happy thrifting this weekend, everyone.

  6. MY EYES! MY EYES! Good grief that is horrible. Do my eyes deceive me or can you actually see their "hair"????? That is N.A.S.T.Y. (But also very, very funny.) I can see this on your firdge with your son's crayola drawings. That's what it would be like in my house.
