Saturday, July 24, 2010

Play it and Feel Good

Here's one of my fave bands from when I was a teenager. I love the emotions captured with stick figure drawings.
Bop along and then go thrifting...

Hey, and while I'm on the topic of good times, is it only Bounty Huntress and myself who dig these Old Spice commercials? I just want to watch them over and over because A. the actor is hilarious and easy on the eyes - not that my eyes are roaming - I'm just saying... B. I like trying to think about how they filmed the effects. I may slip some Old Spice body wash in the bathroom and see if it helps get our kitchen reno rolling along.


  1. Did you see that guy when he was on Oprah a few months ago? Ya know, if my hub put on his best Old Spice impression, I'd consider it foreplay. :)

  2. OMG I love this guy! This commercial is hilarious! Thanks for showing it to me, haven't seen this one! Old Spice now I'm gonna buy some for my man!!

  3. You girls are hilarious. I'm glad you're feeling the Old Spice love. Sigh.
    P.S. BH - What was he doing on Oprah?

  4. She briefly interviewed him on his new found popularity.

  5. BH, you've got your finger on the pulse of everything. I can't believe you sent me the link. Will check it out.
    Bye for now,
    Now go shake your banana.
