Friday, July 16, 2010

It's Raining English Thrift Blogs

I feel like I'm one lucky blogger and blog reader. The awesome Jumbles and Pompoms (don't you love that name?) began following Yard Sale Snoop this week. I'd never heard of Jumbles and Pompoms before, so I checked out her blog and thought it was terrific. I left a comment and noticed numerous comments with links for other thrifty house and home English blogs. They're all great.
I love the fact that people all over the world - from big cities to small towns - are united in their desire to find beautiful things at thrift stores and garage sales (or boot sales if you please).

Here are the links to a bunch of swell English blogs as well as another terrific American thrift blog which I wish I'd know about a long time ago: Bounty Huntress. That doesn't sound English at all - does it? Bounty Huntress is from Texas and has a thriftastic blog too. Do check it out. Thanks to my new followers Jumbles and Pompoms and Thriftstore Dolls. Welcome aboard!

Vintage, Pretty & Shabby

Bella's Country has a comprehensive of blogs many of which are English with a thrifting or crafters angle. do check them out. I'll be adding more of these wonderful blogs on my links as and when I have free time.
All the best,

Here's my homegirl Kate singing just for the thriftacular English bloggers. Who knew I was such a romantic?


  1. You are so funny! I only started my blog in May so you are catching me at the beginning anyway. I <3 Jumbles & Pompoms too! Those English girls crack me up. I will definitely check out the others you mentioned! Have a fantastic thriftastic weekend!

  2. Oh I'm dead chuffed. Thank you for the lovely compliment!

  3. I love to find new thrifty blogs. Thank for the links!!

  4. Thanks for posting these links, I love reading international thrift blogs, especially British and Australian ones. I'm always so envious of their finds!!

  5. I had to go look up "dead chuffed". Ditto! Me too! :)

  6. Ooooh - so glad you like my ramblings! I'm very flattered. I'm always searching for interesting old things - they are just so fab! And it's great to be able to share my finds in this wonderful blog world, where those of us who love thrifting can enjoy it together!

  7. Hi, Ive just discovered your blog!! Im another english 'thrift' blogger so was looking for some fellow thrifting blogs! Love it, look forward to reading your future blog posts. Scarlett x
