Sunday, July 11, 2010

Thriftacular Road Trip: There Will Be Pyrex

This weekend, we took an overnight trip to Owen Sound. We tootled around the bottom of the Bruce Peninsula today and touched down in Wiarton, home of Canada's most famous groundhog, Wiarton Willie. Stay tuned on my other blog Five Ways to Disappear to see photos from this magical part of Ontario.
Here's a sneak ahead: top of Inglis Falls. It's impossible to take a bad picture here.
Duncan with my long-suffering husband who drove his buns off.
Duncan and yours truly ignoring the fact that 10,000 mosquitos were sucking our blood while we waited for the photo to be taken. Now on with the thrift!
In Owen Sound, I found this humongous thrift store called New Beginnings. Although the store sounds a bit like some social welfare agency perhaps for pregnant teens, it's actually a fabulous shop. It was here I found these perfectly cool egg cups which I got for $1.00. Ken said they had the exact (or is that eggsact?) same ones when he was growing up in suburban London.
What do we have here? Take it off! Take it all off!
Oh baby, it's groovy Pyrex. The big casserole was $5.00 and the smaller size was $3.00. The kicker was that the cashier said there was a larger casserole that went with them, but some uncaring guy who could care less about Pyrex, but needed any old casserole dish bought it. My heart will go on.

Here's my orange Pyrex together with some other orange pieces I got at the Salvation Army thrift store in Owen Sound which you'll see below.
This Sally Ann was one of the best thrift stores I've ever been in: rock bottom prices, neat, well-organized, and helpful people working there. I'd give it a 9/10. It lost a point for not having any Pyrex. I got this compartmentalized candy dish for $1.50.
Medieval Times inspired magnetic activity board. Cost: $2.50. This will go in my class next year.
Unicef puzzle blocks in a cute carrying case. Cost: $1.50.
Ginormous frog beanbag cost me $1.50. I think that's their default price.
Rusty but lovely nesting tins cost - you guessed it, $1.50. I may take the lids off and use them for ruler/pencil storage in my classroom next year.
This was my second most expensive purchase. This pheasant biscuit tin was 1/2 off the original $7.00 price tag. I guess they saw the vintage worth of it, but no shoppers were willing to drop the big bucks.
Pretty handmade vase cost .75 - hard to believe. I'm always looking for tall vases around the house and never have the right size.
Large fishbowl that cost $4.00 will be turned into a classroom terrarium.

That's all. If you live in Ontario, or you're looking for a beautiful trip, do head up to the Bruce Peninsula. You won't regret it.



  1. Ooooh! Friendship! Lovely Pyrex pattern!

    I might just go there one day (You know I have a thing for Ontario...) ;)

  2. Vonlipi. You're so quick on the draw. I barely posted this and whamo - you've already done Pyrex CSI. I love Quebec. One day we'll meet up, I know it.
    Take care.

  3. Wow wonderful Pyrex! How nice Vonlipi knew the pattern ASAP! I love the little orange and yellow candy dish! Very cute. Of course my favorite after the Pyrex is the very cool egg cups!

  4. "eggsact" *snort* :)
    groovy pyrex for sure.

  5. I loved everything but those eggcups are simply the best. So fabulous. I love the color and design.

  6. Those are the COOLEST egg cups I've ever seen!

  7. We had those egg cups when I was little too (I grow up in London - London, England that is!). Love everthing you got especially the pyrex (I think that may be my next obsession) and the orange/yellow candy dish and the tins. Fantastic finds (as always).

  8. Thanks for all the delightful comments. I love reading them all. I'm so excited about Jumbles and Pompoms. I've entered a world of thrifty English women. I'm going to have to blog about it soon.

  9. Oh my! Such lovely pyrex, the birds are adorable.
    I wish I could find something similar, it reminds me of being little.
    Thanks for the lovely comment, it is nice to 'meet' you.

  10. Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog and for following...lovely to 'meet' you!
    I see you have an eye for a bargain,and you have found some great things!
    I stayed in Canada for 3 months many years Toronto,but also travelled to Ottowa and Montreal.You live in a very beautiful country.

    Bellaboo :0)

  11. Oooops! I spoke too soon. You must be my lucky charm, I just found some pyrex cups and saucers at the local charity shop! I will post them over the weekend.
    Take care x
