Friday, September 10, 2010

Thriftquake Coming

Tomorrow, I plan to hit the Cabbagetown festival in Toronto. Apparently they have a mammoth yard sale. My sister reminded me that it was at the Cabbagetown festival where she bought two huge fuzzy pimp hats for her daughter. I don't believe she used the word "pimp," however. Here's what I want:
- a humongous critter cage for the class hamster who will eventually chew through her plastic tube cage
- Pyrex, naturually (I'll settle for one pretty little bowl)
- old tea towels and/or fabric that's been sitting in someone's basement since the sixties
- a mid-century modern Danish lamp (I'll be tripping over those)
- Fisher-Price Family A-Frame house from my childhood that's miraculously found its way back to me, like one of those dogs that intuitively runs thousands of miles across America back to its owner
- mini Tupperware salad dressing containers in Misty Mint shades
- lightly worn creepers (black with leopard print) in ladies' size 9 (again, I'm sure I'll be finding them everywhere)
- insanely chunky Frida Kahlo-style bead necklace
- Day of the Dead folk art (I'll take anything)

Hmm. That's about it. I'd also love to come back with something to love that I hadn't even thought of.

Here's a dreamy song by The Cocteau Twins.
Heavenly thrifting to each and everyone.


  1. Can't wait to see all your finds! Wish I could make it downtown to check out all the goodies, but I've got too many things on the go, today. Have fun!

  2. Have fun and good luck with your list! Can't wait to see what you find!!

  3. Erin, read your great Pyrex article in the Star, and had to check out your blog. I'm looking forward to reading all your previous posts.

    Looking forward to seeing what you find today in


  4. I am in the process of cleaning out my garage (husband says must!!) and I am sure that I have the A frame fisher price house that you are looking for. I don't know how to contact you privately to sell it so if you are interested, please post directions as to how to be in contact. I live in the GTA.

