Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Vintage Chanel No 5 Commercial

I had to track down peanut-free gerbil food after school today for our class pets. When our car pulled into the parking lot at Pet Valu (their spelling, not mine), we were THIS close to Value Village. I had to work very hard to not go in. Long suffering husband was waiting in the car and I had Duncan with me which meant that he'd want to look at the toys and we'd never get out within 20 minutes. So, I went and bought the gerbil food and fantasized about what could have been.

Speaking of sharing the fantasy, here's a retro Chanel No 5 commercial from my childhood. Does anyone else remember it? I was so intrigued by "Charles" and "Kathrine" and the shadow of the mysterious airplane on the skyscraper. And what did "Charles" want to ask "Katherine"? It all seemed so utterly glamorous to me.
Hope your thrifting has been more fruitful this week.


  1. i swear i've given myself whiplash driving through a new town and turning my head as i see a thrift store swoosh past us. it takes every ounce of restraint not to do a u-turn! i want to say good for you for not going in ... but ... i'm just imagining all that you missed out on! i'm not being very helpful, am i! ;)

    i'm sure it was a junky day. there'll be others.

  2. Ana, thanks for making me feel better. We've got a shorter lunch break this year. I'm wondering if I can eat, bike up to VV and still make it back on time. Maybe I can eat a sandwich while biking?

  3. there's always replacement shakes...through a straw...attached to your helmet...

  4. Ahhh, I love this commercial! I'm not sure if I remember it from when it was on the TV but I've seen it since...
