August 12th - Happy Birthday Mom! I wish you another wonderful year. I'll be seeing you today. Prepare to be hugged - a lot.

My folks torturing Duncan around this time last year on the wee lad's third birthday. Duncan looks like his legs are stuffed inside his shirt.

St. Catharines should be renamed Rose of Sharon. I've never seen so many of these gorgeous trees in one city. My parents have some stunning examples on their property.

The outside spills inside my parent's home. My mom always has a completely different centre piece when we visit. She bought this china floral piece at an estate sale.

Mom has several smaller china floral decorations throughout the house.

My parents both like this glass jug, bought a year or two ago at a garage sale. It's heavy, Czechoslovakian glass.

A brass horse planter. Note the tray of fresh peaches in the background. St. Catharines is in the heart of the fruitbelt. There's always a bounty of fresh fruit inside their home and mountains of fresh veggies from Pop's garden.

This is not from a yard sale. My mother's father, whom I never met, bought this with his first ever pay cheque. I think my mother says it dates back to the late 1800s.

This gorgeous Czechoslovakian glass set seldom gets used. It's been in the family for some time. Apparently, they belonged to my grandmother in Australia. Don't ask me how they made it across the Pacific Ocean without breaking.

Spectacular paint work.

Glass serviette holder that looks sort of Christmasy with the green serviette folded inside.

Gorgeous vase passed down to my mother.

My mother's parents had their honeymoon in Niagara Falls. My grandfather bought this plate for my grandmother as a honeymoon gift when they were there.

A honeymoon gift from my dad's father to my grandmother on their honeymoon. I think it's great that both my parents have these keepsakes.

My parents love Dutch Delftware. They have an impressive collection of pieces inspired by Delft pottery in their kitchen. There may be some real Delft in there too. Many of these pieces came from yard sales or were thrifted.

My dad recently bought this candle holder at a yard sale for $2.00. It is sterling silver. He got to work and polished it up nicely. What were they thinking? I love it.

Very old floral salt and pepper shakers that have been in our family for a long time.

Elf salt and pepper shaker with seventies mushroom candles. These are a bit of fun. I always liked them. The squatting elf looks like he's been into the whiskey.

"Officer, I've only had a couple - I swear!"
Here's one of my favourite bands from my teen years - Concrete Blonde with their own rendition of "Happy Birthday." Sending out warm, happy thoughts to my amazing mom. Love you!
i Love the Czechoslovakian glass set. it is so pretty. Also the porcelain flower arrangement did not look porcelain at all in the first picture, it is very tricky! Happy birthday to your mom!
ReplyDeleteThe glass pieces are so beautiful, and how amazing that your family still has that silver jug purchased by your grandfather ... I just love that story!