I'll try to take an "after" shot when harmony has been restored. I'm going to a wedding on the weekend and I need to buy some sort of shawl to hide my farmer's tan lines. I'm thinking of going down to Kensington Market/China Town to see if I can find something funky to go with my purple sundress. I love Kensington Market. It's a small area downtown best described as an eclectic mix of residential houses, fruit/veg and butcher shops, and vintage clothing stores. The houses are kookily painted Victorian homes. Back when I was a teenager, I used to shop there a lot more. Courage My Love was my favourite store. I loved soaking in clothes from the past. The city changes all the time, so when I find old places from my youth, I can't help but feel warm and nostalgic. Is that a bad thing?
Hello Kitty Patchwork Quilt
4 days ago
Organizing is my new mantra! I keep buying and not organizing and now my home is a mess. I will organize!!