After putting the final touches on my new classroom, I hit the Value Village close to my school with a colleague who is hip to thrifting. We've decided to have funky rooms and try to hit VV once a week at lunch. I had no expectations this time since my current trips to Goodwill and VV have been fruitless. Well, today was different.

Look what I got! The complete set of Hazel Atlas utensil pattern mixing bowls from the 1940s. I'm still pinching myself. You'll remember how I bought the large size bowl at another VV a couple of months ago now. I think I paid $4.99 for it. I never thought I'd even find any other pieces.

So now I have the complete set, plus an extra large mixing bowl. I can't believe anyone would want to part with this.

Here's the best part: the price. The large bowl was $2.99, the medium bowl was $1.99, and the small bowl was $1.49. The pricing at Value Village is so inconsistent, but I'm not about to take them back telling them that the bowls were underpriced. I'm a happy woman today.

I bought this straw dispenser for Duncan. We always have straw dispensing issues and this solves the problem in style. Price: $1.99. Not bad.

Ever since I saw My Big Fat Greek Wedding, I had a nagging suspicion that I've somehow betrayed my hopelessly WASP background by not having a Bundt cake tin. It's not like we had Bundt cake all the time when I was growing up. Still, I dream of making something spongey and delicious with chocolate drizzled down the hole. Cost: .99¢

Speaking of .99¢, I got this piece of pale green pottery for the same price. It looked like it had been in someone's family for a long time and now nobody loved it. I like it.

I loved this groovy little Anchor Hocking bowl for $1.99.

Quick: name that glass manufacturer...

Oooh, I think Madge had her hand on the buzzer before Valerie. Yes, it is Pyrex. I actually bought it to use more than admire. We needed sturdy bowls this size and although they're not breathtakingly beautiful, they're not hideous either.

For $2.99 I bought this cute Made in Japan gravy boat. As you'll see in the photos below, I've got three different ones. I was charmed by the turkey and had to add it to the collection.

I think they'd look great hanging on the wall.

They really liked their gravy separated back in the sixties.
That's all, folks. Thanks for reading.
I am so excited you found that set of bowls and for such a great price! I love them! Whoo Hooo for you. I also like the Pyrex bowls but I think my favorite is the orange flowered Anchor Hocking bowl!!
ReplyDelete"Oooh, I think Madge had her hand on the buzzer before Valerie. " LOL
ReplyDeleteyour posts are so much fun to read! what a great haul! love the 1940s pyrex. of course.
I am not amused! lol
ReplyDeleteOf course I had my hand on the buzzer WAY before Madge!
The HA bowls are a great find and so is the Anchor Hocking bowl.
Wait! Just because I'm here later than Valerie doesn't mean I lose! I said it first! ;)
ReplyDeleteI just love your finds. Heading over to your classroom to check things out now...
You lucky girl! Those sure look beautiful as a trio, and what great pricing. I have one of those Pyrex bowls with the border and rim in blue, restaurant-ware I think it is? Works great as a utility bowl.
ReplyDeleteErin you may want to check out Cul de Sac Shack's mug... Looks like your Hazel Atlas pattern!
Thanks Six Balloons. You're right. I'll have to try to touch base with Missouri Michael regarding this matter.