Well, the title says it all: no yard sales, no interesting items at the local thrift stores. Nothing for the past few weeks. Today, I rode my new Schwinn out to the Value Village at Victoria Park and Eglinton. There wasn't much there: Woodland and Forest Fancies Pyrex, a dishwasher scuffed Pyrex refrigerator dish and nothing else of note for the kitchen.
I did find this charming hand-stitched hanging. I'll give you the first few lines. Be the best you can be! If you can't be a pine on the top of the hill, be a scrub in the valley - but be the best little scrub by the side of the rill. Be a bush if you can't be a tree... This is lovely. I'm going to fix it up and hang it outside my classroom in the fall. $2.99 was the price. Speaking of school, I'm teaching grade 1 next year. I'm looking for rhyming books and this Dr. Seuss collection was just the job. The books were .99 each, but if you buy four, the fifth one is free. I've been looking for something like this for ages. Duncan has a collection of dead insects, bones, shells, and other treasures from nature. I'll try to take a picture once he's put his collection together. I'm always looking for "thank you" cards. There were two sets inside for $2.99.
Hopefully, I'll hit vintage thrift gold over the next few days. I live in hope. In the meanwhile, here's a sassy song and video for anyone who's ever thought about locking up someone and throwing away the key!
I'm a slightly off-beat Toronto-area teacher who enjoys writing and photography. I come from a family of collectors and now I'm dragging my own family around to yard sales. It's just a bit of fun. Enjoy the scenes.
Hey cats!
My husband and I stock a booth rammed to the rafters with vintage treasures at Valley Antiques in charming Dundas, Ontario. It's a few kilometers west of Hamilton. Come visit this best kept secret in Southern Ontario and swing by Valley Antiques. There are over 50 vendors selling cool and beautiful things and you won't be paying Toronto prices (speaking as a former Hogtown gal).
Click here to see some of our current inventory.
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Well it's better than nothing! Keep you eyes peeled (ewwww) and you'll find more cool stuff in no time!
ReplyDeleteIt has been pretty slim at the thrifts here also. At least you found a few items.