Ever since the city forced everyone to use city-issued garbage containers, it's become a lot more difficult to get good junk in Toronto. Before revealing the chair I found on the curb last Saturday, I thought I'd show off my favourite find - a wooden chandelier. I used to work in a garden centre and one night I was biking home and discovered this treasure out with someone's trash. I was so excited. I'm hoping that I can convince my husband to re-wire it one day.
Monday, June 29, 2009
My Junk and my Jewels
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Searching For My Delirium
I didn't get to any sales yesterday due to a combination of year-end school fatigue, needing to shop for a new dryer, and a lack of sales in the neighbourhood. I did a little junking last night. I'll try to remember to photograph the wooden chair I scored later. By the way; when did garbage picking become junking? Today is a rainy Sunday. I'm not sure what we'll get up to. To clean, or not to clean?
Here's one of my new favourite bands - Ladyhawke, from New Zealand. I used to play the CD in my class this past year when the kids were creating art. I love the Thelma and Louise inspired video. Dig.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Whipped Cream, Fortune Teller's Cups and Other Delights
As you may recall from my last post, yesterday would have been a great day to yard sale had it not been raining. Today, we went to St. Catharines to visit my parents and smother my dad in Father's Day fuzzies. We're a close family and we're all a little koo-koo for yard sales, thrift stores and antique barns. My folks also like antiques, vintage, and random stuff that was made better a long time ago.
Here's my mom's sturdy brown iron.
Purple clematis flower my dad gave me. I've pressed it in a book.
I also bought these snazzy tea cups and saucers for $2.00 apiece.
And this box 'o buttons for $5.00.
I bought it for the box. It needs a good cleaning, but I will cherish it.
Detail from the inside of cup.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Rain-o-rama - Again!
Don't be fooled by the picture of the $2.00 Instamatic camera. This picture was taken two weeks ago on a SUNNY SATURDAY! Yes, we had another rain out. I think Duncan was more disappointed than I was. We went to Chinatown instead and had dim sum. You can check out the pictures of our trip at my other blog Landscape and Memory Toronto landscapeandmemorytoronto.blogspot.com
I think Duncan found every puddle on Spadina Avenue. Tomorrow is Father's Day, so I'm not even sure if thrifting is possible. We'll see.
Thanks so much for the comments. I'm glad that the fun I'm having is being felt by those who visit TYSS.
- Erin
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Bin There Dump That
Today was a pathetic yard sale day, but I'll try to write in an upbeat fashion so you keep on reading. We had arranged for a dumpster to be delivered so we could finally dispose of the remains of our kitchen which we had gutted a couple of months ago. By the time we were done, it was already past 11:00 a.m. Should I stay or should I go?
Duncan jammed into bike seat with creepy snack bowl filled with toy cars.
One person, however, was selling bok choy and herbs. I've never seen that at a yard sale before.
Someone else was selling a giraffe and a boxing punch bag.
Another seller had these pearly air freshener things that I hadn't seen before.
The air freshener people were also giving away free pregnancy advice.
Mood music vinyl. The seller told me that this record was put out by Reader's Digest and that she remembers her parents playing it. Underneath this album was "Mellow Mood Music."
That's all folks. I hope to find better sales and goods next week. I live in hope. I'm tickled that people are reading my blog - even pals in the U.S. Please drop me a line in the comment section if you have time.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Wade Robson's Dance of the Crash Test Dummies - Brilliant!
This has nothing to do with yard sales, but I just had to post this hypnotic dance of the crash test dummies from So You Think You Can Dance. I love Wade Robson and he always chooses perfect music to compliment his choreography. Here, Ashley and Kupono dance to Goldfrapp's "Felt Mountain." I could watch this over and over... * Since the original clip is no longer available, I've posted a "home taped" version. The quality is poor, but the dance is still viewable. I do like the fact that a dog starts barking at one point and the girl who is recording the show tells Sparky to be quiet. Enjoy!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Sellers Losing Their Marbles
After last week's haul of vintage, today seemed a bit disappointing. In the end, the wee boy and I had a good time and managed to find a few gems. We started out on a street sale on a road that runs parallel to our street. There we found toddler/baby toys and accessories that would been great three years ago, but not much use now. We stumbled upon another street sale on a street two blocks south from our house. For some reason, everyone seemed to be selling books - academic tomes, philosophical chin-stroking snoozers, and contemporary fiction with spines that hadn't been cracked. I still found a few books that we'll get to below. Eventually, we ended up on the Danforth where we saw a white board advertising a "Gargantuan (Huge) Yard Sale" (two pics below). When we got there, we found a happy family with a beagle getting rid of random clutter. It was pretty fun.
Duncan strikes a Lady Liberty pose at the Gargantuan Yard Sale.
The most fun sale of the day.
We are, however, selling our passports, two aged cats, bone marrow, and Great Aunt Agnes.
Hot pink bongos atop a shower hose or whatever you call it.
After a night of heavy partying, Barbie chills in the Friend Ship kitchenette.
More Canadiana in the form of a giant Lake Louise puzzle.
Horrifically attired '70s people taking in scenic Lake Louise.
At the Gargantuan Yard Sale, a current Leaf and a former Leaf bobble for business.
Ubiquitous sombrero. Does everyone regretfully bring one of these home from Mexico?
Duncan checks out his big blue marble.
Love it.
Side view. The A-Z Yard Sale person would be disgraced by the lack of organization.
Duncan's book booty.
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About Me
- Toronto Yardsaler
- I'm a slightly off-beat Toronto-area teacher who enjoys writing and photography. I come from a family of collectors and now I'm dragging my own family around to yard sales. It's just a bit of fun. Enjoy the scenes.