Monday, July 27, 2009

Yard Sale Snoop and Joan Rivers - Together at Last!

My friend whose beautiful home was featured in my last post is, in fact, Malene Arpe. Yes, the most excellent writer of the Toronto Star's Stargazing section. If you live outside the city and haven't had the chance to read her column, go to this link now
It's very funny stuff - especially when she's on about the horror show that is Jon and Kate, or Jennifer Aniston's sad little frozen TV dinner of a life. Anyway, Malene sweetly gave my humble blogs a shout out. I can taste the book deal, the movie options, and the house in the South of France that comes with a guy who looks like Johnny Depp who skims the pool and brings me frothy cups of coffee. I can taste it all!

If you are visiting from her link, hope you enjoy Toronto Yard Sale Snoop.
Chin-chin, Malene.

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About Me

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I'm a slightly off-beat Toronto-area teacher who enjoys writing and photography. I come from a family of collectors and now I'm dragging my own family around to yard sales. It's just a bit of fun. Enjoy the scenes.